Position: Editor

    Address: str. Gen. Magheru, nr. 26





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    The language of the Ecotoxicology, Animal Husbandry and Food Industry Technologies Fascicle is exclusively English. Contributions will be considered only if they have not been previously published or been submitted elsewhere. The manuscripts must be submitted only in electronic form. Receipt of a contribution for consideration will be acknowledged immediately by the Editorial Office. The acknowledgement will indicate the paper reference number assigned to the contribution. Authors are particularly asked to quote this number on all subsequent correspondence. The manuscripts are subjected to preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board, after which they are forwarded to the appointed referees (blind peer-review). The period of paper evaluation is maximum two months. In case of a negative report, the manuscripts are sent back to the author.

    Template of Ecotoxicology, Animal Husbandry and Food Industry Technologies Fascicle



    Ass. Prof. Cristina Maria Maerescu, PhD, Chief editor

    Production Editors

    Prof. Daniel Mierliţă, PhD, Editor

    Prof. Mircea Curilă, PhD, Web Editor

    Ass. Prof. Brîndușa Covaci, PhD, Editor

    Ass. Prof. Olimpia Smaranda Mintas, PhD, Editor

    Ass. Prof. Adrian Timar, PhD, Editor

    Lecturer Eva Bucurean, PhD, Editor

    Lecturer Monica Angelica Dodu, PhD, Editor

    Lecturer Daniela Camelia Marele, PhD, Editor

    Lecturer Ioana Camelia Chebeleu, PhD, Editorial Secretary

    Lecturer Ioan Chereji Jr., PhD, Editorial Secretary



    Prof. Federico Righi, PhD, Parma, Italy

    Prof. Elena Maestri, PhD, Parma, Italy

    Prof. Sylvia Lewandowska, Phd, Wrocław, Poland

    Prof. Andras Javor, PhD, Debrecen, Hungary

    Prof. Kor Clavel, PhD, Hertogenbosch, Holland

    Prof. Juliana Molnárová, PhD. Nitra. Slovakia

    Prof. Daniel Mierliţă, PhD, Oradea, Romania

    Prof. Benone Păsărin, PhD, Iaşi, Romania

    Prof. Ion Dona PhD, Bucureşti, Romania

    Prof. Marius Giorgi Usturoi, PhD, Iaşi, Romania

    Prof. Ioan Pădeanu, PhD, Timişoara, Romania

    Prof. Stelian Daraban, PhD, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

    Prof. Cristina Tindeche, PhD, Bucarest, Romania


    Prof. Cornel Laslo, PhD, Cluj Napoca, Romania

    Prof. Antal Veha, RhD, Szeged, Hungary

    Prof. Cecilia Hodur, PhD, Szeged, Hungary

    Prof. Patrick Martin, PhD, Arras, France

    Ass. Prof. Camelia Bara, Phd, Oradea, Romania

    Ass. Prof. Cornelia Purcărea, Phd, Oradea, Romania

    Ass. Prof. Adrian Timar, Oradea, Romania

    Lecturer, Adriana Monica Chis, PhD, Oradea, Romania



    Research areas:


    Animal Husbandry,

    Food Industry Technologies