Ingineria produselor alimentare cadre didactice

    Departamentul de Ingineria Produselor Alimentare
    Director de Departament:
    Conf. univ. dr. ing. TIMAR Adrian Vasile


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    Prof. univ. dr. habil VICAŞ Simona Ioana


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    Conf. univ. dr. med. BARA Camelia Mihaela


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    Conf. univ. dr. ing. BEI Mariana Florica CV

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    Conf. univ. dr. ec. BRATA Anca Monica

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    Conf. univ. dr. ing. PURCĂREA Cornelia


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    Conf. univ. dr. SUPURAN Ana-Maria


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    Conf. univ. dr. VLAD Ioana Andra CV

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    Conf. univ. dr. ing. VUŞCAN Adrian Nicolae

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    Șef lucrări dr. ing. ARDELEAN Alina Grigorița


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    Șef lucrări dr. BARA Lucian Vasile


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    Șef lucrări dr. ing. BURA Giani Cătălin


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    Șef lucrări dr. CHIRILĂ Ramona


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    Șef lucrări dr. ing. HÎLMA Elena


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    Șef lucrări dr. ing. IANCU Carmen Violeta


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    Șef lucrări dr. ing. OŞVAT Marius Ionel


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    Șef lucrări dr. ing. MORNA Ana Maria Aurelia


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    Șef lucrări dr. POPOVICI Raluca


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    Șef lucrări dr. ROŞAN Cristina Adriana


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    Șef lucrări dr. ing. RUSKA BANDA László


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    Șef lucrări dr. ing. URS Mariana


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    Asistent dr. ing. MEMETE Adriana Ramona


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