Analele Universităţii Oradea, Fascicula Protecţia Mediului
Revistă acreditată de CNCSIS, cod 686, categoria B+, din anul 2010
ISSN 1224-6255
(Ed. română) ISSN 2065-3476
(Ed. engleză) ISSN 2065-3484
1. |
Ileana ARDELEAN, Ioana Maria BORZA, Gabriel Cristian DOMUȚA, Gheorghe Emil BANDICI |
1 |
2. |
Adriana CIOTEA, Brîndușa COVACI, Radu Petru BREJEA, Mihai COVACI, Doru Necula, Carmen CĂTUNĂ |
7 |
3. |
Gheorghe DONCA, Alin-Ioan SURU Artificial Intelligence and IOT Approaches for Enhancing Precision Agricultural Machinery |
15 |
4. |
Adelina VENIG, Aurora VENIG, Tabita ADAMOV Analysis of the Cereal Market in Romania, in the Period 2020-2022 |
25 |
1. |
Andrada Iulia IENCIU, Alina-Ștefania STANCIU, Călin ARDELEAN, Ioana Teodora STANCIU, Oana Maria VIDICAN Automated Irrigation Systems Used in the Landscaping of a Garden |
31 |
2. |
Georgiana Ioana POTRA-CICALĂU, Mădălin Florin GANEA, Csaba NAGY, Olimpia Daniela FRENT, Ioana Lavinia DEJEU, George Emanuiel DEJEU |
37 |
3. |
Adelina VENIG, Aurora VENIG, Olimpia IORDĂNESCU |
41 |
4. |
Richard ZSIROS, Manuel Alexandru GITEA, Simona Ioana VICAS |
47 |
1. |
Laviniu Ioan – Nuțu BURESCU |
61 |
2. |
63 |
3. |
Mircea chebeleu |
69 |
4. |
Călin Gavril DUBĂU, Adriana CĂTAȘ |
73 |
5. |
Marius Șerban FETEA Comparative Mechanical Analysis of Different Species of Trees Used in Forest Curtains Shock |
79 |
6. |
Călin Ioan IOVAN, Ghiţă Cristian CRAINIC, Flavia CIOFLAN (IRIMIE), Flavius IRIMIE. Florin COVACI |
87 |
7. |
Petrică Tudor MOȚIU, Ingrid Ágnes MOȚIU |
91 |
8. |
Iulia-Florina POP The Pioneer, Hygrophilous Vegetation of Valea Iadului, Western Carpathians |
97 |
9. |
Ruxandra Georgiana POSTOLACHE, Adrian Ioan TIMOFTE Preventing Workplace Accidents in Forestry Operations by Identifying the Most Frequent Risk Factors |
103 |
10. |
Adrian TUNDUC The Implementation of a Digital System for Tracking and Managing Forest Resources |
109 |
1. |
Nandor KÖTELES The Level of Air Pollution with Ammonia in the City of Satu-Mare in 2018-2022 |
113 |
2. |
Antonia-Maria LESTYAN, Marieta LESTYAN Absorbtion of Sunscreen Components in Biological Fluids: Evaluating Ingredient Concentrations |
117 |
3. |
Adela Olimpia VENTER. Ana Cornelia Pereș, Nandor Köteles, Iuliana Maria NAGHIU Mathematical Processing of Meteorological Data from Oradea Municipality |
121 |
4. |
Mircea-Raul TUDORICA, Mihaela-Teodora TOADERE, Mariana POP, Marcel-Razvan PLOAE, Corneliu BOB Consolidation Solutions in Order to Change the Destination of an Old Building |
125 |