Ecotox 2006



    Prof.Dr. Bara Vasile, Facultatea de Protecţia Mediului,

    Universitatea din Oradea, România

    Prof.Dr. Fenyvessy Jazsef, Facultatea de Industrie Alimentară,

    Universitatea din Szeged, Ungaria

    Praf.Dr. Văcaru-Opriş Ioan, USAMV Iaşi, România


    Conf.Dr.Ing. Chereji Ioan, redactor şef

    Conf.DrJng. Mierliţa Daniel

    Conf.Dr. Rodul Cecilia, Facultatea de Industrie Alimentară,

    Universitatea din Szeged, Ungaria

    Şef lucrări Dr. Bucurean Eva

    Asist.Drd. Chebeleu Ioana Camelia, secretar redacţie

    Prep.Drd. Vancea Diana Lăcrămioara, translator

    I.S.S.N. 1583-4301







    1. Babicka L., Charvatova J., Kourimska L.

    Reducing food safety risks for third countries

    2. Bacter Ramona Vasilica, Bacter C.F.

    The population of Bihor County and the population of Oradea city and the annual consumption needs for the main animal products

    3. Bacter Ramona Vasilica, Bacter C.F.

    The distribution of the main animal products in the Oradea 's market

    4. Baldea Corina

    Somatostatina and acute pancreatitis

    5. Bals Cristina, Mierlia D., Chereji 1., Lup F.

    The role of some nutritional factors in manipulation of omega polyunsaturated fatty acids from animals fats with positive impact on human health

    6. Bara Camelia

    Possibilities of selective determination of small amounts of niacin, riboflavin and thiamine in food

    7. Bara Lucian

    Actuality and perspectives in toxicology

    8. Brata Anca Monica

    Typology of purchasing behavior

    9. Brata Anca Monica

    Thefulfilled need, a compromise between aspiration and reality

    10. Charvatova Jana, Babicka L., Kourimska L.

    Genetically modified organisms and novel food-Iegal regulation in the European Community and in the Czech Republic

    11. Chereji Anca

    Les effets de la pollution atmospherique avec de l' oxyde de carbone sur des enfants et des Fetus

    12. Ciobanu Cornelia, Ciobanu Ghe., Chereji 1., Vuscan A.

    Research concerning the prognosis and weed control in maize crops under brown luvic soil conditions in western Romania

    13. Czirjak R. L., Gavra C.

    European Union recomandation for stocking density to briler

    14. Czirjak T. Zs., Dodu Monica

    Giraffe anatomy and physiology-specific properties

    15. Dodu Monica, Chereji 1., Czirjak T. Zs.

    Research regarding the knowledge of the genetic patrimony concept in poultry breeding

    16. Dudas Anca, Mosoiu Alina

    Agriculturaland agro alimentary wholesale market

    17. Donca Gheorghe

    CB maintenance in zootehnical farms

    18.Gavra C.

    Premix manufacturing process

    19.Gus Camelia, Rotar A. Mihaela, Semeniuc Cristina, Apostu S.

    Enzymatic activity of horse muscle during cold preservation

    20. Kourimska L., Kovarova E., Dragounova H., Babicka L.

    Monitoring of milk acidity changes during goat cheesemaking

    21.Kovacs P.

    Are wine-growing family farms viable?

    22.Laslo Ramona, Lazar Mihaela, Muresan Crina

    Nutritional tools to evaluate personal dietary habits related to wellness

    23. Maerescu Cristina, C. Man, D. Mierliţă, 1. Chereji

    Research regarding the nutrition of sheepdepending on age and production in the north-west of Romania

    24. Mierliţă D.; I. Chereji; Cristina Maerescu; Cristina Bals; F. Lup

    Research Regarding the Effect of the Methionine Hydroxy Analogue Used in the Feeding of High Productivity Cows During the Early Lactation Period

    25. Mihok S., Komlosi I.

    Research activities at the department of animal science University of Debrecen

    26. Mosoiu Alina, Dudas Anca

    Evolution of the Community Agricultural Politics

    27. Moza Ana Cornelia, Popovici Mariana

    Extreme and absolute verage air temperatures from the Crisul Repede hydrographic basin

    28. Moza Ana Cornelia, Popovici Mariana

    Average yearly and mounthly tempera ture and average yearly amplitude from the Crişul Repede hydrographic basin

    29. Moza Ana Cornelia

    Deviations ofmedium yearly temperatures from multiyearly average from the Crisul Repede hydrographic basin

    30. Muresan Crina, Tibulca Aurora, Tibulca D., Muste Sevastita, Laslo Ramona, Salagean D., Laslo C.

    Drawing up a HACCP system in "Apricot recream"

    31. Nabrady A., Szollosi L.

    Key aspects of investment analysis

    32. Pakurar M., Villanyi Edit Reka

    Location of procurement in the organization

    33. Poor Judit, Baranyai Hegedusne Nora

    Investigation of cyclicism appearing in the purchase price and quantity of two main agricultural products (maize and pig)

    35. Popovici Mariana, Moza Ana Cornelia

    Issues related to seed production at the Dropia Autumn type of wheat II technology elements with implications elements with implications in seed production

    36. Popovici Mariana, Moza Ana Cornelia

    Tehnological aspects regarding the obtaining of the pulp juices (the nectars)

    34. Posta J., Komlosi 1., Mihok S.

    Hungarian sporthorse studbook analysis

    37. Purcarea Cornelia, Cachita-Cosma Dorina

    Studies about the influence of salicylic acid on the germination of wheat grain (Triticum aestivum) and the peroxidase acrivity in the plantlets

    38. Purcarea Cornelia

    Destruction of alfa toxin e on contaminated peanut by roasting

    39. Rotar A. Mihaela, Semeniuc Cristina, Gus Camelia, Muste Sevastita, Apostu S.

    Proteolitic modifications during the fermentation and storage of yogurt

    40. Ruge Maria

    The evolution of the tourism and of the agro tourism in the Bihor county

    41. Ruge Maria

    The agro tourist guest houses affiliated tonacert Bihor

    42. Ruge Maria

    Bihor county tourist and agro tourist potential

    43. Ruska L., Chereji Rodica, Purcarea Cornelia, Timar A.

    Bred properties and crumb structure

    44. Ruska L., Chereji Rodica, Purcarea Cornelia, Timar A.

    Water diffusion in bread during baking

    45. Szabo Erika

    Landlaw in European Union and in Hungary

    46. Tasca M., Rusu I., Nita L.

     Natural conditions of soil formation and evolution in the interriver Crisul Negru- Crişul Repede























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    Adresă: b-dul. Gen. Magheru, nr. 26, Oradea, România


    +40 259 408 440 - Decanat

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