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  13. Mieczkowska, A., A.J.M. Jansman, R.P. Kwakkel and S. Smulikowska. 2005. Effect of dehulling and alphagalactosidase supplement on the ileal digestibility of yellow lupin based diets in broiler chickens and adult roosters. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 14: 297-304.
  14. Mieczkowska A., Smulikowska S., Nguyen C.V., 2004: Effect of enzyme supplementation of white lupin (Lupinus albus var. Butan) - containing diets on performance, nutrient digestibility, viscosity, pH, and passage rate of digesta in broiler chickens. J Anim Feed Sci 13: 475-486.
  15. Mierlita D., 2012: Studies on cultivation suitability and nutritional characterization of lupine alkaloid-free varieties. Analele Univ. din Oradea, Fascicula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnie si Tehnologii de industrie alimentara, ISSN 1583-4301; vol. XIB: 501 – 507.
  16. Nalle C.L., Ravindran V., Ravindran G., 2010: Evaluation of Faba Beans, White Lupins and Peas as Protein Sources in Broiler Diets. International Journal of Poultry Science 9 (6): 567-573.
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  18. Olver M.D., Jonker A., 1997: Effect of sweet, bitter and soaked micronised bitter lupins on broiler performance. Br. Poult. Sci., 38: 203-208.
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  21. RothMaier D.A., Paulicks B.R., 2003: Feeding and nutritional value of sweet blue and yellow lupin seed (Lupinus angustifolius L., Lupinus luteus L.) for broiler chicks. Arch Geflügelkd 67: 175-178.
  22. Rubio, L.A., A. Brenes and C. Centeno. 2003. Effects of feeding growing broiler chickens with practical diets containing sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seed meal. British Poultry Science 44: 391-397.
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  25. Sitko V.A., Čermák B., 1998: Influence of lupin seed on performance and meat quality of broilers. Sborník Zemědělské Fakulty Jihočeské Univerzity, České Budějovice: Zootechnická řada 15: 3-9.
  26. Steenfeldt S., Gonzalez E., Knudsen K.E.B., 2003: Effects of inclusion with blue lupins (Lupinus angustifolius) in broiler diets and enzyme supplementation on production performance, digestibility and dietary AME content. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 10:185-200.
  27. Straková E., P. Suchý, I. Steinhauser, T. Krejčí, R. Pospíšil, 2008, Influence of Thermally Treated and Untreated Lupin Meal on the Indicators of Performance and Health Condition of Broilers. ACTA VET. BRNO 2008, 77: 431–437.
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  32. Teixeira A.S., Dos R., 1995: Replacement of soyabeans by lupins (Lupinus luteus) in the feeding of broiler fowls. Rev Portug Cięnc Veter 90: 20-28.
  33. Vecerek Vladimír, Pavel Suchý, Eva Straková and Miroslav Machácek, 2008, Nutritive composition of seeds of the lupin varieties registered in the Czech Republic. IN J.A. Palta and J.B. Berger (eds). 2008. ‘Lupins for Health and Wealth’ Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, 14-18 Sept. 2008, p: 123-126, Fremantle, Western Australia. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand.

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: Mircea Curilă
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