Analele Universităţii Oradea, Fascicula Protecţia Mediului
Revistă acreditată de CNCSIS, cod 686, categoria B+, din anul 2010
ISSN 1224-6255
(Ed. română) ISSN 2065-3476
(Ed. engleză) ISSN 2065-3484
1. |
Becze Zsófia Judit The Effect of the Agrotechnical Factors on the Productivity of Maize |
1 |
2. |
Karancsi Lajos Gábor |
7 |
3. |
Kovács Csilla, Sándor Erzsébet, Peles Ferenc |
13 |
4. |
Murányi Eszter |
21 |
5. |
Novák Adrienn Investigation of Sowing Technology in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) |
27 |
6. |
Ruska Laszlo, Iancu Carmen Study on Structural Changes and the Bread Dough after Adding Enzymes |
33 |
7. |
Seres Emese Effect of Agrotechnical Factors on the Yield and Quality of Millet |
41 |
8. |
Szilágyi Gergely |
47 |
9. |
Vári Enikő |
53 |
1. |
Bei Mariana Florica Analysis of Crop Technological Elements Influence on Yield of Cucumbers Crop Organically Grown |
59 |
2. |
Bei Mariana Florica, Domocoş Daniela Analysis of Vitamin C Content from some Vegetables Food Products Commonly Used in Human Food |
65 |
3. |
Bura Giani Cătălin, Timar Adrian Studies Regarding the Quality of Fresh Fruits During Storage Marketed in Bulk |
71 |
4. |
Lestyan Marieta, Teusdea Alin, Gabor Gianina, Muresan Mariana, Bodog Florian, Vicas Simona |
75 |
1. |
Iovan Călin Ioan Forging Links Elements Correlation Between Geometry and Constructing Forest Roads. Case Study |
81 |
2. |
Jiboc Ancuţa Mihaela , Ardelean Aurel |
87 |
3. |
Vinţan Valeriu-Ioan The Study of Vegetal Communities in the Orastie River Basin (Central-Western Romania) |
95 |
4. |
Vinţan Valeriu-Ioan Contributions to the Study of Flora in the Orăştie River Basin (Central-Western Romania) |
103 |
1. |
Bogluţ Angela, Tudoran Dan Current Study of Research Regarding the Luminescent Analysis of Organic Substances |
205 |
2. |
Bogluţ Angela, Tudoran Dan |
217 |
3. |
Bonta Marinela, Bud Corina, Daina Lucia |
227 |
4. |
Borza Ioan Lucian, Aurel Babeş |
233 |
5. |
Bulbul K. M. , Grigoreserban R., Vicas R. |
241 |
6. |
Bulbul K. M., Grigoreserban R., Vicas R. |
249 |
7. |
Domocos Daniela, Bei Mariana Florica Diet and Dental Caries. The Role of Food, Beverage and Food Retention in Oral Cavity |
259 |
8. |
Domocoș Daniela, Bei Mariana Florica |
263 |
9. |
Lăzuran (Giurău) Anamaria Liana |
267 |
10. |
Negrean Rodica Anamaria The Study of Minor Phenotypic Abnormalities in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome |
273 |
11. |
Negrean Rodica Anamaria Phenotypic Abnormalities of Eyelashes and Eyebrows in Genetic Syndromes |
279 |
12. |
Pop Adrian, Jerzicska Erno, Dorobantu Cătălin, Dasmuth Nitish |
285 |
13. |
Pop Adrian, Matyas L, Juhasz G |
289 |
14. |
Tudoran Dan, Bogluţ Angela |
295 |
15. |
Tudoran Dan, Bogluţ Angela |
303 |